Single apartment, Berlin Charlottenburg, available 29/3-6/4
250.00 €
Published date: March 7, 2024
- Location: Berlin, Germany
Cute apartment right next to S Westend in Berlin Charlottenburg. Small kitchenette, little garden/terrasse situation, sweet neighours, room with Judo tatami, clothes rack, bed, lots of plants, small bathroom with washing machine and shower. No shoes inside!
Price: 250,00 € including internet and all amenities.
Note: Flat owner has celiac disease, so please be careful not to leave traces of wheat/bread etc in the kitchen.
Note: 100,00 € deposit, which will be returned once I arrive back in the apartment and all is clean and in order. If the apartment is damaged or dirty, I will use the money to restore it.
Note: Leave no traces/return apartment clean and in order, let me know if anything breaks,
Price: 250,00 € including internet and all amenities.
Note: Flat owner has celiac disease, so please be careful not to leave traces of wheat/bread etc in the kitchen.
Note: 100,00 € deposit, which will be returned once I arrive back in the apartment and all is clean and in order. If the apartment is damaged or dirty, I will use the money to restore it.
Note: Leave no traces/return apartment clean and in order, let me know if anything breaks,
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